Thursday, April 24, 2008

Lia Paris

Not too long ago
I said “Yes” to my heart
when I learned you were coming into the world.

A baby’s coming!!!
Don’t know how I’ll love again, I thought,
a tiny one . . . full of dreams and stardust
and everything brand new.

What will I do?
How will I love again . . . knowing
someday I’ll have to let go once more?
(Knowing you will make me a dreaded Grandma!!!)

Little did I know that what I dreaded
would become the joy of my life!

And you came . . . My precious Lia
My little teacher . . . pint-sized guru
fairy princess . . brown-eyed beauty

You came with so much love to give
You must have stolen it from angels
I can still see their soft white feathers
floating round your shoulders
when you grace me with your dimpled smile
and capture me with hugs and kisses.

You opened the door to my heart again.
You even stand aside to let me love the others too.
But you and I are twined together with a golden cord,
a cord your darling mother must have weaved
to hold me tight when she was small like you.

I’m forever with you, darling Lia . . . Your Nana


Tilak said...

This is even better! Simple and genuine!

Joanne Cucinello said...

Thank you, tilak . . . every word is true!