Friday, May 16, 2008

Where Have All the Children Gone?

I know so many of you must be thinking the same thing when you watch the news on TV or your computers . . . maybe even some are still getting the paper thrown at the doorstep every morning. Where have all the children gone? How can we save Childhood?
It's as if the Pied Piper has come to claim them for his own and lead them off to some strange Never Never Land promising to make them forget they were ever children. Little pseudo adults in Jr.High mimicking their sexy heroes and heroines on the Silver Screen and You Tube, feeling inept and unpopular if they aren't sexually active yet and taunting unyielding peers to jump with them to the rythmn of the Piper.
When a 13 year old can be so glued to her email and have so little self-love that she'd let herself be tormented for 5 weeks in the seclusion of her "privacy" . . . believing what is written to her about her "worthlessness" . . . so much so that she could end her own life! . . . Don't you want to SCREAM!! . . . IS ANYBODY HOME?!!
What kind of monsters are prowling in the dark of children's minds and on the Internet? What needs to change in family life and the loving of our precious children and how do we work together to find the answers?


Anonymous said...

Its important to remind internet users that cyberspace isn't the only area to interact with others. Learning to express emotions and grow in different ways requires in-person contact and communication. Using the internet can empower some users to build self-confidence yet, such behavior builts transferable skills that need to be applied in a more personanable reality.

Joanne Cucinello said...

Hi Liara,
So true . . .I believe that nothing can replace the real thing
and it's sad that so many go on from day to day without reaping the joy and fulfillment of face to face communication and intimate rapport.
Have you read an earlier post I wrote called "Loving the Children"?
It speaks of this.
Thank you so much for commenting.
Have a great day!