Thursday, May 29, 2008

More Precious Than Gold They Will Always Be . . . My Family

light love
They are the center of my world. What ever I do revolves around the fact that I am a wife and mother. It's what I've wanted since I was young and the answer to my childhood prayers. Some people go through life without ever finding their soul mate. I can't imagine living all these years without mine.

Little did I know that fairytales only come true when you're willing to work at them. Keeping a marriage alive for 45 years, raising five children, marrying some off and letting some back in when their marriages ended, accepting their new partners and learning to love again. Disoriented when two of your kids "come out" . . . even though, if you really dig deep down, you can see the truth of their lives even clearer now. Watching your world fall apart when tragedy overcomes you, fear when illness strikes, learning to pick up all the broken pieces and start sewing the patches together again; these are parts of the fairytale, too. Losing your faith . . . finding your faith . . . losing your faith. But through it all, we stay connected. My circle of light may flicker at times but then . . .oh my, how bright it burns!


Anonymous said...

Lover certainly comes in different packages. It is a great teacher, encouraging us to open ourselves up to learn and expand our soul. Each of us lives the fairytale of choice. We decide whether our choices are natural, risky or both. To transcend risks is like learning to transcend your fears. Love is the core of everything.

Joanne Cucinello said...

Hi Liara,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful insights. So glad to have your visit!

Nardeeisms said...

Wonderful post. Simply Wonderful- Nards